Video Page |
3-Storey Home featuring
Hi-Velocity Systems
(11 min)
Oilers captain Connor McDavid’s home overlooking Edmonton’s River Valley has been featured in Architectural Digest.
This video includes an exclusive tour of the hockey player’s house, designed by Lauren Kyle. Keep your eye out for the unique Hi-Velocity outlets throughout the home, that seamlessly blend in with the modern décor and the clean look of the residence.
for video (YouTube Link)
Systems HEPS Air Purification System
(5 min)
Presented by Tim Prevost, this video features the Hi-Velocity HEPS Air Purification System, a 3-in-1 package
providing powerful 24/7 air filtering and purification.
Click for
(YouTube Link)
MP4 file
(224mb, Right-Click and "Save Link As")
Hi-Velocity Systems Indoor Air Quality Case Study
(4 min)

Brought to you by Canyon Plumbing and Heating Ltd. "Hi-Velocity took it's cutting edge air quality system for the ultimate test drive under extreme conditions."
for video
(YouTube Link)
Hi-Velocity Airflow Video - Multiple Rooms (2
multiple camera airflow video
demonstrates the Venturi effect created by our
small diameter duct systems, and how it creates even
temperatures in homes and offices.
As you watch the air (with added smoke) coming into the room, you can see it
reacting with the room air by peeling off and creating eddies
and currents. As you can see, in just 60 seconds
there is gentle, even distribution of the air
in every room.
for video (YouTube Link) or
download MP4 file (131mb,
Right-Click and "Save Link As")
Demonstration Video - Original
(2 min)

In our popular original
Demonstration video, the effect of a single outlet in a
room can be seen. You can see the currents carrying
the air under the bed to the outer wall, and even though there
is some distance from the outlet to the outside wall, the eddies
are still creating a gentle stirring of the room air, which
eliminates stratification.
for video (YouTube Link)
or download
WMV file
(84mb, right-click and "Save Link As")
HE-Z Series Introduction Video (5 min)

In this
Introduction to the HE-Z Series,
featuring Tim Prevost, learn about the latest addition
to the Hi-Velocity Product line. Includes a demonstration of how
the new PSB (Pressure Sensing Board)
reacts to zoning applications.
for video (YouTube Link)
MP4 file (92mb, right-click
and "Save Link As")
Decorative Vent Plate Applications (4 min)
Decorative Vent Plates are available in many attractive finishes, in compositions of
plastic, metal, and wood which can be finished, painted or
stained to match their surroundings.
for video (YouTube Link)
WMV file (285mb, right-click
and "Save Link As")
Alliant Energy's Powerhouse TV
(5 min)
"Discover a great way to
distribute air conditioning in an area you might not have
thought was possible..."
Alliant Energy's Powerhouse TV
features Hi-Velocity
Air Conditioning in this
YouTube video from 2010.
Certified Manufacturing Facility (3 min)
Take a tour of Energy Saving Products Ltd.
23,000 square foot
LEED Certified Manufacturing Facility, rebuilt on the site of the arson that completely
destroyed the building and its contents on January 27th, 2009.
for video (YouTube Link).